Saturday, December 15, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
ख्वाबों से सवाल और मेरे जवाब
ख्वाबों मैं हि जी लूँ मैं, ये भी तो एक मौका है।
रोज़ ख्वाबों मैं मेरी, खुद से मैं मिलता हूँ
और रोज़ वही एक सवाल मैं उसे पूछता हूँ
के मंजिल क्या है मेरी और क्या है ज़िन्दगी
कहती मुझसे वो के जी ले तू आज को यही है ज़िन्दगी।
इस जवाब से उसके मैं फिर जाग जाता हूँ
और खुब झगडा भी मैं उस से करता हूँ
फिर मान जाता हूँ, और एक रोज़ और जी लेता हूँ
पर पागल मन को मेरे ऐसे ही मैं भी ना मना पाता हूँ
है यही एक उलझन और यही एक रुसवाई
जाने ज़िन्दगी मुझसे क्यूँ मुझे इस मोड़ पे है लाई
है यही मेरी ज़िन्दगी और यही मेरे ही ख़याल
जाने फिर किस लिए रोज़ मचता है यहाँ बबाल
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sunday, November 04, 2012
मेरी कहानी
हो इतनी दुआ कबूल की मैं जी लूँ ज़िन्दगी यही इसी जनम मैं
हो जहाँ मेरी आबाद, माँ की ममता से और पिता के स्नेह से
बन के मेरी परछाई रहेई पत्नी साथ मेरे और हो दो भाई मेरे हाथ
तो क्या बात है ...
ना लाया था मैं और ना ले जाऊंगा कुछ इस मिटटी से मैं मगर
कर जाऊं ऐसा कुछ मैं सभी के लिए यहाँ
तो मौत भी क्या चीज़ है
देखे मेरी माँ कोई सपना और करूँ मैं पूरी
दूं पिता को सुकून और भाइयों को खुशियाँ
तो ज़िन्दगी क्या बात है
लाऊं हर चाँद जमीन पे मैं जिसके लिए
और करूँ हर तमन्ना पूरी उनकी
इतराए वो बनके मेरी अर्धांगिनी
फिरआये क़यामत भी तो क्या बात है।
चार दिन की ज़िन्दगी मैं करूँ कम हर वो गम
फिर निकले ज़िन्दगी तो क्या बात है।
है कुछ इस से भी आगे ज़िन्दगी और है कुछ खाहिश छुपी दिल में मेरे मगर
कर पाऊँ इतना ही बस जो लिखा अभी तो फिर ज़िन्दगी क्या बात है।
यूँ तो फ़क़ीर हूँ मैं मगर हो इज़ाज़त और कृपा मारुती नंदन की
तो करूँ कुछ ऐसा और न करूँ बयान भी तो क्या बात है।
भर सकूँ कुछ खाली पेट और ला सकूँ कुछ चेहरें पे मुस्कान भी
तो ज़िन्दगी क्या बात है
हर कोई लिखता है बोलता है पर मैं सच मैं ऐसा कर सकूँ
तो ही ज़िन्दगी ज़िन्दगी है वरना ये ज़िन्दगी ही ख़ाक है।
Friday, October 19, 2012
Labor Law & Labor Inspector, Both far away from Labor welfare ???
It was a very busy day and in many ways i was finding a difficult time to even breathe, i got a Call from my office security that there is the labor inspector is there to meet the Hr guy. It was like a pain for me. I wanted to meet the lady but the child in me told me to avoid to the meeting. Nad i said the security to tell her that I am not in the office. But things were all in a different mood and she was waiting to see for the next 20-25 minutes and asked the VP to meet and when things went out of control then the Savior Karthik the admin executive went to meet him and he just managed to calm her down and managed to send her out of office. Later I got to know that the situation was seriously odd and she shouted a lot and asked all the senior people to come to her office. I was relaxed as I dint know the aftermath effect of the incident and left office in a lighter mood and thought i survived.
I predominantly being into the front-end HR aspects through out my career, I have had hardly any exposure to the compliance and the statutory Compliance. And I always feel that these things are like tigers to me and I have always ran away from them. But i remember I had a little interest in learning them too but I dint get a learner or a guide to learn them. I had studied these things in my management books but the practical use or the the in person experience has just incomparable to the mighty books that tells you the basic rules. and it was for me like bucketing a large number of data within minutes.
The next day it was a call from the VP directly and on meeting him in his cabin he made me aware of the consequences of this. In those cases where the registers are not maintained and the inspector is not treated properly she can use her discretionary powers & ask the proprietor or the owner of the company to meet her personally in her office and even can notify the authority to shut down the operation. He made me know the incident where the CEO had to travel to Pondy to meet the factory inspector and there too the inspector din't meet him properly. This gyan trigerred the alarm button for me. And in next two days time before the inspector asked to come to her office I got the registers ready and thanks to the supporting hand from Rajesh. It was the day to visit the inspector but she said she is gonna visit little nervous and scared to meet the lady in her office but for good fortune she said she will visit our office on the same d day. It was all set and The inspector came and for the sake of checking the register she checked and signed them all. But at the end of the meeting she bluntly asked for Money and the moment she said that i got all my tension relieved and the little respect there for her in me got vanished. the way the hype was created and the way its getting done was hopeless.then the admin guy came into picture and handed over the money and she was escorted to the exit. But the way it all happened raised many questions. Is this the way the statutory compliance to be maintained in offices ?
Is it good to get money to the greedy govt official ? and moreover in such cases will be requirement of getting the records clear in Compliance is ethical ? if this was the way out of all hic ups then why the same has to be there. I must tell you the labor inspector is a government body which ensures the work environment and other arrangements in the work place as according to the laws. The labor officials has to ensure from equal remuneration to leaves & all other hazards are well maintained by the employer. But they just do the reverse and take money to give a clearance. They must concentrate on the manufacturing set ups & with industries. This attitude to earn money will definitely interest their attraction towards the IT companies rather than the needy.And with this attitude if they are going to go i really doubt if there will be a safe place to work too (in manufacturing place)
The next day it was a call from the VP directly and on meeting him in his cabin he made me aware of the consequences of this. In those cases where the registers are not maintained and the inspector is not treated properly she can use her discretionary powers & ask the proprietor or the owner of the company to meet her personally in her office and even can notify the authority to shut down the operation. He made me know the incident where the CEO had to travel to Pondy to meet the factory inspector and there too the inspector din't meet him properly. This gyan trigerred the alarm button for me. And in next two days time before the inspector asked to come to her office I got the registers ready and thanks to the supporting hand from Rajesh. It was the day to visit the inspector but she said she is gonna visit little nervous and scared to meet the lady in her office but for good fortune she said she will visit our office on the same d day. It was all set and The inspector came and for the sake of checking the register she checked and signed them all. But at the end of the meeting she bluntly asked for Money and the moment she said that i got all my tension relieved and the little respect there for her in me got vanished. the way the hype was created and the way its getting done was hopeless.then the admin guy came into picture and handed over the money and she was escorted to the exit. But the way it all happened raised many questions. Is this the way the statutory compliance to be maintained in offices ?
Is it good to get money to the greedy govt official ? and moreover in such cases will be requirement of getting the records clear in Compliance is ethical ? if this was the way out of all hic ups then why the same has to be there. I must tell you the labor inspector is a government body which ensures the work environment and other arrangements in the work place as according to the laws. The labor officials has to ensure from equal remuneration to leaves & all other hazards are well maintained by the employer. But they just do the reverse and take money to give a clearance. They must concentrate on the manufacturing set ups & with industries. This attitude to earn money will definitely interest their attraction towards the IT companies rather than the needy.And with this attitude if they are going to go i really doubt if there will be a safe place to work too (in manufacturing place)
Anyway its gone now for sometime till she next visits me, but I don't find pride in doing these activities anymore.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple, Tirumylai (Mylapore)
आज सुबह से मूड अजीब था। पगले मैं ये नहीं समझ पा रहा था के मैं खुस हूँ या दुखी। यूँ तो आज फिर एक बर्ष बीत गए हमें इस दिन को पिछले साल जीए हुए मगर आज कुछ अलग सा लग रहा था। मैं हैरान था और मन ही मन एक अंतर्द्वंद में व्यस्त था के ये हो क्या हो रहा है मेरे अन्दर ? अक्सर खुस रहने वाला मेरा ये पगला मन जाने ऐसा ब्यबहार क्यूँ कर रहा है। खैर जैसे तैसे व्यस्त सुबह गुजरा मगर मन मेरा काम पे जाने को बिलकुल तैयार नहीं हुआ। मैंने भी कहा आज इसकी भी सुन लेते है . तो जनाब ख़राब स्वास्थय का बहाना लिए हमने मेरे उपराधिकारी को अपनी बड़ी कुत्षित भावना से अबगत कराया और छुट्टी ले ली। जैसे अचानक शाम को बर्रिश हो जाये तो पकोड़े का मन होता है वैसे ही मन में आया के जो बड़े दिन हुए नहीं हुआ वो आज कर लिया जाये। जैसे बिल्ली को दूध वैसे मुझे किसी मंदिर में भगवन दर्शन ; फिर क्या था हम निकल पड़े चेन्नई की सबसे पुरानि शिव मंदिर की और।
चल पड़ा मैं सुप्रसिद्ध कपालीस्वर मंदिर की तरफ जो की मेरे घर के बिपरीत दिशा मैं लगभग 21 किलोमीटर है। पहंचते पहंचते दिन के साढ़े ग्यारह बज गए। सूरज तो नहीं थे आकाश मैं मगर गर्मी थोड़ी बढ़ गयी थी कुछ दूर चलने के बाद बिशाल और भव्य मंदिर के दर्शन हुए। मंदिर की भाब्याता देखते ही बनता है। मंदिर के मुख्य द्वार पर पहंचते ही मैं स्तब्ध रह गया। जैसे दक्षिण भारतीय मंदिरों मैं गर्भगृह से अधिक प्रबेह द्वार में अद्भुत कलाकारियाँ देखने को मिलती है यहाँ भी उसका उदहारण देखने को मिला। मुख्या द्वार पर पहंच के मैं अंततः 3-4 मिनट स्थाणु बन गया। बिशाल्काय मुख्या द्वार पर कुशली करिगरों का अतुलनीय कारिगरी को निहारता ही रहा। जैसे कोई दीन प्रभु को सामने खडा देख के अपना अपा खो बैठता है वैसे ही में कुछ समय के लिए कहीं खो गया और प्रभु को शत शत नमन करने लगा। द्वार पर भिन्न भिन्न समय मैं पुराणों मैं बर्णित देव कथायों सुन्दर और कलात्मक कारीगरी से जैसे जीबित कर रखा है। खैर मैं फिर में आया और मंदिर के अन्दर दाखिल हुआ। मंदिर मैं मुख्य देब शिवशम्भु के साथ साथ साथ पार्वती जी और मेरे प्रिय गणपति के साथ कार्तिकेय महाप्रभू भी बिराजमान है। मंदिर मैं साज सज्जा और मंदिर की पवित्रता की बरनना मेरे कलम नहीं कर सकते। मंदिर के अन्दर पहंचा तो नंदी महाराज के दर्शन हुए। उनको नमन करते हुए मैंने उनके कान के मैं मैंने अपनी ब्यथा प्रकट की और आगे बढ़ गया। जैसे की मान्यता है की नंदी महाराज से कही बातें शिवशम्भू तक पहंच जाती है मैंने अपना शीश झुकाते हुए शम्भू के दर्शन हेतु आगे बाधा। पहले कर्पगामाम्बाल ( माता पारवती के एक रूप ) है उनके दर्शन हुए और फिर शम्भू के दर्शन हुए। पुष्प और बेल बेल के पत्तो से सुसज्जित शिवलिंग के दर्शन मात्र हि मेरे सारे पीड़ा दूर हो गए। मेरा श्रम भी लाघव हुआ और जो एक क्लान्ति थी शरीर और मन मैं वो सब दूर हुए और मैं तृप्त मन वापस घर को निकला। मंदिर से निकके झूमते झूमते प्रसाद लिया और थोडा जलाहार करके मैं घरको निकला।
वैसे मैं ये उल्लेख करना चाहूँगा के आजकल की भाग दौड़ भरी जीवन मैं हम अपने लिए जीते कहाँ है। दिन के 24 घंटे मैं से 18-20 घंटे हम वो कोम्पनी के लिए जीते हैं गहाँ हम काम करते हैं और बाकि का टाइम अगले दिन काम पे जाने के लिए तयारी मैं काट देते हैं। कोई किसी से कोई किसी से अपना मन बहलाता है तो इस गरीब को भक्ति मैं मस्ती मिलती है। और इसी लालसा को मनमे लिए मैं इधर उधर मेरे आराध्य देवी देवताओं के दर्शन को तरसता हूँ और मिल जाये मौका तो फिर साड़ी दुनियादारी एक तरफ और मेरी मस्ती एक तरफ ...
जय शिवशम्भू
बम बम भोले
हर हर महादेव
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
From Generalist to Specialist
From my early college days to the hectic schedules in in my current role I have been performing a generalist role wherein I tried to explore the every possible aspect in my domain and moreover been a good performer too. But when the experience grows and people are looking forward to have a specific skill set in command I find i need to train myself. But One thing is that when it comes to a role with in my responsibility which I can better perform is Recruitment but is it advisable to take recruitment as a specialized one. My question remains as I can see that there is less things in it to learn and the opportunities too remain limited.All these days i have been recruiting entry level to niche level C category employees but does my role becomes important and I grow in the organization ? Of course in recruitment I can make a difference but in the next role or level my expertise will be recommended or required is my question.
And let em tell you there have been time when i have been a victim of poor selection rate and other factors where I could not enjoy my job as I found my job a monotonous one and little boring too. Those days i could not spend all the day searching for profiles and speaking to 40 odd people in a day to find the fitment withe the role. And the same way too i wont breathe where it will be only recruitment I am supposed to do. But yes added few other gamuts in the recruiter's role I can equally divide my intellect and learn the other aspect other than recruitment to excel. But what is it that I need to add in to my specialized portfolio ? is it Performance management system , is it Organizational Development & strategic HR things or something else ? I need to find out the same and if any of you can suggest on this i would be obliged.
I plan to have a certification on the additional subject to get along with it and willing learn the basics to the complexity. May it give the satisfaction that a workaholic looks at and at the same time meet the organizational goals as well...
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Its time to change the gears in the development vehicle...
Yesterday one of my
school friends called me and I was happy to get to talk to him after many
years. On the go we asked each other about the whereabouts of others and spent some
time in remembering what are they doing and all. We remembered the happy old days
and cherished. After the call I just thought where we all are now
& why. From a small sub urban village to the metros in the country, we
have explored the opportunities around. Why could we not be in our home state
Odisha only prosper? For all such queries, my mind answered in a way which
neither I nor any other Odia will like. We in Odisha put focus on Children's
education and spend a lot in it and we too have a equally best education system
in place. But after we complete the studies we aim towards the metros for
employment and to earn a descent job. A rough estimation figures out the number
of engineering colleges to 30+ and close to 40000 students pass out every
year from these colleges and look for employment and its shocking to know
that 90% of these students have to leave Odisha aim towards the metros to
justify their degree & employment. The condition of students doing
normal graduation is better not to mention. Here one question arises why these
people go out & work for some other state and why can’t we provide them
opportunity & use them in the domestic development of Odisha ? If all other
developing states can create opportunities for growth and can progress, why can’t
Odisha do the same way?
Primarily we call ourselves as a farm
based state and we keep focusing on the same, but time has come to change the
gear and move to the next level. In that race I am not saying to stop farming
and sit idle. We should keep the focus on but additionally we need to built
infrastructure and attract investor and get opportunities for other industries
to grow and create employment. and to lure the investors what we need; basic
infrastructure as compared to other states, Availability of ample natural
resources for power usage, better transport system(road-rail-air), availability
of skilled & semi skilled labor, Quick government clearance
& laws enabling business, easy & ample availability of power
and wherever possible creation of special and moderate economic zones to lure
investors. Out of the all above said factors for creating a growth movement
& creating opportunities in Odisha, I dont think we missing in any
single factor except the one one called a Political willingness to do so. I
strongly feel a gap which if put in right time & place can change the
gear and take Odisha to the next level. We should now aim at the outside
investors like the TATA, Ambanis, Zindals, Mittals and other international
investor to step into Odisha. I can see there are many projects pending at
different intent levels which need a government nod to kick start. And fast
pace growth will of course need a supporting hand from the govt.
Now time has come for us to compete with
the sates like Gujrat, Maharahtra, Kerala & Tamil Nadu and all other
developing states. For this if it is required to support a regional or a
national party we should be ready to vote for as after all what we need is a
developed and a next generation state leading to growth & glory.
May the days come soon
Long live Odisha
Long live Odia..
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Ratha Yatra or Ghosha Jatra or Gundicha Jatra (2days to go)
Two days to go for the auspicious Rathayatra or the famous Ghosha jatra. Preparations are on as per time and tradition to make the lord's annual visit to his aunty's place. Many of us may or may not know the reason why every year this Rathyatra is being performed and why so much of chaos every time with the grand festival.To all curious people for the answer let me tell you the reason.
Rathyatra hosts Lord Jagannath, the lord of the "ODIAS" and as they call it as "lord of the universe" he is regarded in all religions. But he represents sanatan dharma and an avatar of Lord Krishna. He is the only deity who is not made up of stone but instead he is made of wood (in Odia DAARU which means Neem tree trunk). The lord resides in Srimandir in Puri. Everyday lakhs of devotees pay holy visits to the deity to offer their prayers to him. And being one of the four most sacred places for the Hindus Puri Jagannatha temple has special place in devotion & sacredness for the Hindus across the world.But for non Hindus or people from all other religions, entry to Srimandir is Strictly prohibited. Even the Converted Hindus from ISCON are not allowed in the temple. In local media we hear many foreign creatures being caught at the main gate while they were trying to enter the temple. you may ask the question like why this restriction as at other places of worship for Hindus there is no such restriction. Let me answer you - this is a sacred place for Hindus and not a tourist place and we Odias have faith that our deities are Moving Gods ("Chalanti Pratima") & they are very sacred. from ancient times the deities & the temple have been kept very sacred and the spirituality has been maintained till date. From the British time to the Mughal invaders nobody has been able to enter the temple or touch the deities. At times when the invaders attacked the state & raided the temples, deities were taken out of the temple to secret places where sacred temples were built and the deities were worshiped. The instances of Kalapahad & other non Hindu rulers attackers and the safe & secret custody of the lords are well known to the world.The current temple which under the care of Archeological survey of India has been raided by many invaders and looted by many. And every time with Vedic rituals we have made the temple clean and as sacred it was ever. In that concern the temple is kept heavenly sacred and you can feel the sacredness the momment you enter it.
Even there were many non Hindu devotees to the Lord bu they too were not allowed in the temple. "Bhakta salbeg" the great muslim devotee's name come first in the list who was a cotton weaver in the ancient city of Cuttack & was a great devotee of lord Jagannath. Once he dreamt of offering his handmade pillows to the lord and carried two greatly weaved pillows to the temple but the Badapanda - Pujari's dint allow entry to the temple & even threw away the pillows made by him. Bhakta salbeg pleaded the lord and offered his prayers and to everybody's surprised the very next day morning when the main doors were opened for the first rituals of the Lord, it was seen that the lords were resting on the same pillows made by Salbeg.
Earlier Hindus from lower caste too were not allowed in the temple & the instance of "Dasia Bauri" proves that. Once Dasia bauri being a lower caste Hindu devotee wanted to see the lords & offer coconuts to him. He entered the temple but at the 22 steps the Pujaris caught him and getting to know his caste they expelled him out of the temple.Dasia bauri was a great devotee and being bitten by the Pujaris he too pleaded to the Lord and for one Momment the lord vanished from his place and took the coconuts from dasia Bauri's hand and paid him for the due devotion. And then to maintain the dignity of the devotees and the temple & deity sacredness the lord announced that once in a year, the lords will come out of the Srimandir & give darshan to his devotees who are not allowed inside. During this Rathyatra the lords come out of the temple to visit their aunt's place called Gundicha, hence its called Gundicha Jatra. The lords stay there for 9days and on the 9th day they return to Srimandir. Once the lords are out of srimandir anybody can touch him, see him & pray him. But the number of people at the Bada danda during the rathyatra is so much that you need to be really lucky enough to touch the deity. What kindness the lord is showering ; for people who can not come to his place he is coming out to offer a darshan and its said that everyone who makes Darshan of the lords on the Ratha will be free of all his sins.
Thursday, the 21st 2012, the lords are coming out for which Bada danda is waiting, Ratha is waiting and his all his devotees are all waiting....
May Lord Jagannatha bless you all with all good fortune & best of health.
Jai Jagannath ...
Rathyatra hosts Lord Jagannath, the lord of the "ODIAS" and as they call it as "lord of the universe" he is regarded in all religions. But he represents sanatan dharma and an avatar of Lord Krishna. He is the only deity who is not made up of stone but instead he is made of wood (in Odia DAARU which means Neem tree trunk). The lord resides in Srimandir in Puri. Everyday lakhs of devotees pay holy visits to the deity to offer their prayers to him. And being one of the four most sacred places for the Hindus Puri Jagannatha temple has special place in devotion & sacredness for the Hindus across the world.But for non Hindus or people from all other religions, entry to Srimandir is Strictly prohibited. Even the Converted Hindus from ISCON are not allowed in the temple. In local media we hear many foreign creatures being caught at the main gate while they were trying to enter the temple. you may ask the question like why this restriction as at other places of worship for Hindus there is no such restriction. Let me answer you - this is a sacred place for Hindus and not a tourist place and we Odias have faith that our deities are Moving Gods ("Chalanti Pratima") & they are very sacred. from ancient times the deities & the temple have been kept very sacred and the spirituality has been maintained till date. From the British time to the Mughal invaders nobody has been able to enter the temple or touch the deities. At times when the invaders attacked the state & raided the temples, deities were taken out of the temple to secret places where sacred temples were built and the deities were worshiped. The instances of Kalapahad & other non Hindu rulers attackers and the safe & secret custody of the lords are well known to the world.The current temple which under the care of Archeological survey of India has been raided by many invaders and looted by many. And every time with Vedic rituals we have made the temple clean and as sacred it was ever. In that concern the temple is kept heavenly sacred and you can feel the sacredness the momment you enter it.
Even there were many non Hindu devotees to the Lord bu they too were not allowed in the temple. "Bhakta salbeg" the great muslim devotee's name come first in the list who was a cotton weaver in the ancient city of Cuttack & was a great devotee of lord Jagannath. Once he dreamt of offering his handmade pillows to the lord and carried two greatly weaved pillows to the temple but the Badapanda - Pujari's dint allow entry to the temple & even threw away the pillows made by him. Bhakta salbeg pleaded the lord and offered his prayers and to everybody's surprised the very next day morning when the main doors were opened for the first rituals of the Lord, it was seen that the lords were resting on the same pillows made by Salbeg.
Earlier Hindus from lower caste too were not allowed in the temple & the instance of "Dasia Bauri" proves that. Once Dasia bauri being a lower caste Hindu devotee wanted to see the lords & offer coconuts to him. He entered the temple but at the 22 steps the Pujaris caught him and getting to know his caste they expelled him out of the temple.Dasia bauri was a great devotee and being bitten by the Pujaris he too pleaded to the Lord and for one Momment the lord vanished from his place and took the coconuts from dasia Bauri's hand and paid him for the due devotion. And then to maintain the dignity of the devotees and the temple & deity sacredness the lord announced that once in a year, the lords will come out of the Srimandir & give darshan to his devotees who are not allowed inside. During this Rathyatra the lords come out of the temple to visit their aunt's place called Gundicha, hence its called Gundicha Jatra. The lords stay there for 9days and on the 9th day they return to Srimandir. Once the lords are out of srimandir anybody can touch him, see him & pray him. But the number of people at the Bada danda during the rathyatra is so much that you need to be really lucky enough to touch the deity. What kindness the lord is showering ; for people who can not come to his place he is coming out to offer a darshan and its said that everyone who makes Darshan of the lords on the Ratha will be free of all his sins.
Thursday, the 21st 2012, the lords are coming out for which Bada danda is waiting, Ratha is waiting and his all his devotees are all waiting....
May Lord Jagannatha bless you all with all good fortune & best of health.
Jai Jagannath ...
Saturday, June 09, 2012
a social cause
It was a busy schedule on Friday and everybody was planning for a perfect weekend. I too was closing the show for friday. On moving eyes on the various websites before closing i stayed my eyes on an article on where I read an article about a generous man Called S.Babu and the story was a real eye opener. The way the man took the social responsibility without any support from outside is a courageous step. In these days where inflation and price raise, when its very difficult to manage daily expanses, the man with a postman's salary serves the society. He manages to get food & medicine for the poor people and people with disability. Hats off to the spirit of the man with a great cause. My eyes becomes wet when I feel there people who not only feels the heat on the poor but also stretched their hands to wipe it off. This is just a cause which inspires me to do something & return something to the society in my way and with my capacity.
Don't we have anything to return to the society from which we have got so much and expect so much. I promise to do it in my way & urge people to come up & extend a supporting hand to many social cause and make a little difference.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Power & willingness to move on...
![]() |
Daddu |
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
FY 2012-13
On one hand a year has ended ( the Financial yr) making many changes in the business world amid many speculations. And yet in the light of new opportunities new targets & new horizons have been set for many business line. This year for me was a good year with many outcomes and a feel good factor is all to remember.But there are certain areas where I think better work could be done and things could be different. There were possibilities which were allowed to let go and there were limitations which could have been challenged. But as always to regret I have nothing.
So as the new FY has already started, lets jump on to it..
So as the new FY has already started, lets jump on to it..
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Ex Colleagues & Friends.
After a long time I spoke to one of my fellow colleague in my last company and had a brief chat. It was a very good courtesy call but after we are done, I just felt sorry for not keeping in touch with him & others. But why; I just did a deep dive into this. What i got to realize could be a reason for a mass of people & for people who have to learn the art of maintaining a work-life balance. I remember my last days in college when our seniors telling us that the days are not far when we will miss these days and even find time to see or talk to each other. I find they were right as from the day I joined the first job & the changes & got experience in industry, we have become machines and left behind life. We now follow our office schedule; the meetings, the reviews, reports and targets. Policies, procedures and organizational issues have replaced the personal care, concern and the humanness in ourselves. for the sake of business and organizational goals we have lost our personal taste to the relations. In turn we have made the corporate colleagues and people whom we work, part of our relations. Its better as we share the same work place and we understand each other in a better way and the longer we work in a company we make good contacts there and its always a good sign for man. But issue raises when you want to keep the contacts active and limitations at your work place hinders to maintain that good relation. But people should understand the issue & the reason behind to revive it periodically.
As far as I am concerned I always make friends with colleagues and subordinate & "Sirs" with all my seniors and I try to keep in touch regularly. and i understand the fact that its impossible to be in touch with everybody always but it happens. Somewhere I miss out I feel sorry and I must say it to them.Spoke with Vinoth after a long gap of 4-5 months and felt good that he still remembers and must be kept in touch.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Old Bond & New Service Agreement
I remember I was in a conference where the industry big shots were to discuss about the many changing aspects of the recruiting wherein the topic was a spark when one manager raised the concern of the raising attrition and measures to check that. Along with all other measures to maintain a sustainable employee retention, asking the employees to sign a bond for a certain period of time was in discussion. Answering this a gentleman defused the results in to zero saying that there can no service agreement wherein an employee is asked to sign a bond as legally none can imply anyone to sign these bonds.Yes there can be a training cum agreement wherein the candidate can sign a bond. Here I would like to add that the term used these days for this is called a service agreement wherein the employee is asked to sign an agreement in response to a training cum employment with a periodical review of the remuneration for his services. Still there are many aspects where both the parties have to review the clauses in the agreement before enforcing it. today there are many institutions who charge a certain amount of money and guarentee employment basis that training but they don't sign any kind of agreement. But there are firms who employ them for certain projects which requires a specific skill based training, the firms sign agreements with the employees so as to be in a safer side.Legally too there are many aspects which needs to be explored in detail. May be sometime later, will discuss it in detail.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Reasons to blog
Oh God !!!
After a long gap I am back and for that I owe a big sorry to all of you.
Its always the corporate commitments that make me away from free thought and blog.
From my last post to this one, I made a tour to my home town where I fulfilled many of the old promises and made some new as well. There at my hometown many a things happened this time and the most memorable one was the time when Daddu took me to the crop fields & the farm lands and narrated the story of the harvesting and his planning to but new things.I wondered many times that from where my Daddu brings such courage and ideas that in this age too he plans and better executes his plans in a way where he inspires many others and who except me learns from his this spirit. Anyway my Daddu is still busy in his planning and have asked me to help him in executing them.
This tour to my home I made a debut tour to Jagannatha Puri with both my in-laws and my Maa. The tour was a memorable one with we all having a divine darshan of the Lords. After many such divine tours to all the places of worship, I had to leave for my workplace, Now Chennai where I follow my dreams every
Herein Chennai, I got a change in my job role wherein I had a larger role to perform in many other aspects of Human resource. The many role and responsibilities in the new job role needed a better focus and concentration and that is why I was making the first impression and of course will always try the same.
This tour to my home I made a debut tour to Jagannatha Puri with both my in-laws and my Maa. The tour was a memorable one with we all having a divine darshan of the Lords. After many such divine tours to all the places of worship, I had to leave for my workplace, Now Chennai where I follow my dreams every
Herein Chennai, I got a change in my job role wherein I had a larger role to perform in many other aspects of Human resource. The many role and responsibilities in the new job role needed a better focus and concentration and that is why I was making the first impression and of course will always try the same.
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Life Back on Wheels.
Hey !! I am sorry if you were searching for a new post recently. Amid all the chaos a little has the meantime it was a much awaited tour to my hometown during the last week of Jan 2012 and let me tell you this time it was full on masti & a satisfying tour. There too nothing has changed except the calender.The tour tihis time was a full on masti and fun. Like my wife says it was a true tirthyatra for me this time as I went to see Bhagwan Jagannath this time along with Maa & in-laws. Then we went to see Tata-tarini tenple at hills as a pending ritual after my marriage.Next I went to see Siddhabhairabi & Maa Budhi Thakurani. Amid all these tours the most exciting was the one to my Village to see my Grand parents. This time after nearly12-15 years Dadu took me to show me the farm land & the crop that is in the ripping phase. His plans and his insight of property & cultivation.It was really amazing to see his enthusiasm at his 90's and the determination and mental toughness was something i could just admire. As an ardent grand child i share a special bond with him and I loved the way he went on describing his past and his expectation from us.May be now we could not go back to the farm land and do farming but his ideology and principles in life are so strong that you feel short of arguments to win before him. in today's tough His decades of experience and his intellect shows him the way to lead life into a different phase. Anyway these are like milestones in real life and I really wonder what makes them to go on doing and chasing certain things in life... Still to learn those specific skills & go on.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The age Controversy
These days the media,Govt & people are reading & writting much about the age controvercy, the do's & the don't's. It seems the Congress led UPA govt's tough time is not nearing an end. After the graft cases, the black money & Anna and Lokpal saga & the latest issue of the Army Chief's age issue the govt seems to be divided & not supportive enough to fight on every front. More over the assembly elections in the few states too is creating a real pain in the congress ass. Led by the puppet & so called innocent PM, madam Antonio may be feeling low these days. Anyway let the central elections come it will surely pay heavily for all these issues. Lets jump to the current day's headline that the Army chief has moved to the supreme court against his own age row.
It was on wednesday the Army chief wrote a letter to he Defence Minister while his daughter filed a writ petition in the controversy where the army chief faught a prolonged fight for changing his date of birth as 1951 in stead of 1950. In the neighbor where there is a political crisis & the army chief of that country making a buzz in the nation's politics here in India the age controversy has taken a very bad shape where the govt now is moving to take a tougher stand. While the chief said that its not the tenure he is looking at but its his reputation & credibility at stake. It is said that the chief who almost fought every fight for the country & got appreciated for his tough job took the corrupt a tough ride & that is why he owes this from the most corrupt govt in the country. Wherein the govt now dont want to back out as its credibility will be again at stake if it bows to the chief.
I remember my father saying that he lost two years of his service because of his wrong date of birth and still he mulls the same mantra when he remembers his work-lif. It was the early four-tees where in rural areal people used word mouth as well to get the date of birth registered in the school entry form & at the school leaving the date of birth was on a documented sheet which got a supreme court signature to be considered as the date of birth for future services and that is how my father & probably the chief are taken as victims. Where my father due to health condition retired at the prescribed date the mighty chief chose to fight. Many has appreciated his courage & consider as his right to fight. But one can generally ask the chief what was he doing for such a log period of 35 yrs to get his age corrected on papers ? Its said that he got his last 3 promotions in the service basis his current DOB & in case his DOB could be corrected earlier he could not be the chief today.But where justice too takes a longer time to come in the country the chief too can get a logic to his delay as well. In country like ours where the PM avoids to intervene in issues unless until its going out of his hand, puppets like the ministries too take their chance everywhere to ruin the rest stand of the govt.
What could be a beter way to deal it ; the ministry should intervene effectively & the army court & the ministry should work out much before to land on the a mutually agreed & law abiding decision. I can see a lot of lackness in the govt to get on to a decision as the case was long pending. And in the chief's turn he should push the govt for a swift decision or take a soft stand considering his present responsibility a the army chief. But if there is something else & the reason of the issue is not the DOJ issue & the issue of corruption in cards why the chief of the most diciplined army in the country is taking one on one with the govt, then I respect the chief;s decision to go to the court. I personally feel that its not the DOJ but something else & I support the chief in his move. We must have faith on the judiciary system in a democracy like ours & lets wait for the court decision to have its say...
Friday, January 13, 2012
To begin with the new year post, let me tell you a satisfying story...
I remember i used to make resolutions for every new year to come & believe me its not months but in weeks i used to repent on them. Now when i think of those stupid resolutions i can stop laughing.But not only me but i think everybody makes resolutions at that age & laugh at my current age. I am just happy that i made the decisions to make resolution early & of course broke them all so early. But the happiest thing is that the brain chemicals were so developed at that point that a consciousness was there to make a better tomorrow as compared to today. Anyway its all gone now & in this new year of 2012 i have no resolutions but few revelations.
In the year 2011 whatever I planned, it worked my way and I am happy for this. I have raised the bar this time to get things better this year too. Apart from professional & personal goals this year I have added a social goal as well. Hold on ! this has nothing to do with the social networking site hence please spare me. Really i have understood my part of the social responsibility & will contribute in my own little way.
Its not a bad news at all that in the beginning of this year Typhoid has found its stay in me & yes I am on tablets to throw it out. I wish Typhoid a brief stay & quick relief. I have come a long way to a n offering mode now. Next I will try to make people happy with life & make them realize this too. I will be visiting my parents this year and thank god for this opportunity to be with them. I plan to go for " jagannath Darshan' with my mother & hope I can make it a better time for her. I have something for my brothers too & I hope they will like this time.
Professional career will be at a higher concern this year as its time for the next move & I may open my arms for better moves with higher opportunities.With raising the bar for a better career of course comes higher responsibilities, hence a tougher mental gesture is in the cards.
This year along with a busier carer move I have to plan for a better leisure in the wee months & a spiritual tour to provide a better to the brain & soul.I plan to go to Sri Ranganathaswamy temple in Trichy & the much asked Golden Temple in Amritsar. Other holy places may drag me to their feet as my mind is a Slave's playground where the almighty lord is the real Boss.Well this year I plan to change a perception changed about me & need best wishes too. I may seem to be a better mature man but I will have to put efforts to keep me still alive & be humorous as well.
Finally let me wish you all a very happy & fulfilling new year.
May god bless us all...
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