Sunday, January 24, 2010

Applicability of the Labour Welfare Act.

Here is an answer to applicability of the Labour Welfare Act.

Following are the states where the Labour Welfare Fund s Applicable.

  1. Andhra Pradesh
  2. Chattishgarh
  3. Goa
  4. Gujrat
  5. Haryana
  6. Karnataka
  7. Kerla
  8. Madhya Pradesh
  9. Maharastra
  10. Delhi
  11. Punjab
  12. West Bengal
  13. Tamil Nadu

Following are the states that are not covered under this Act.

  1. Asam
  2. Bihar
  3. Himachal Pradesh
  4. J&K
  5. Jharkhand
  6. Meghalaya
  7. Orissa
  8. Pondichery
  9. Rajasthan
  10. Sikkim
  11. Tripura
  12. Chandigarh
  13. Uttarakhand
  14. Uttar Pradesh

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