आज सुबह की पहली किरण के साथ नीतू(मेरा छोटा भाई) ने दिल्ली को सलामी देते हुए घर को चला गया... किस्मत भी क्या चीज़ है यारा कहाँ कब किस की पलटटी है कौन जनता है॥ कहते है की एक लम्हा काफी है और ये मैंने आज महसूस किया। आज को एक साल पहले वो दिल्ली आया था एक सुनहरी भविष्य के तलाश मे और उसको मिली भी। ठीक ६ महीने उसने यहाँ एक कंपनी मे जॉब भी किया और खुस था॥ पर अचानक सितु के घर से बहार जाने से वो भी घर के आस पास जाना चाहता था उअर उसको मौका भी मिल गया।
अब वो बंगलोर के ऊँची इमारतों के बीच अपनी उज्जवल और नवस्चुम्भी भविष्य को तलाशेगा .कल वो थोडा दुखी भी था यह सोच के क्या होगा।
बिदाई तो दी उसने मगर थोडा परेशान था..इश्वर उसकी राह आसान और सफल बनाये ...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Applicability of the Labour Welfare Act.
Here is an answer to applicability of the Labour Welfare Act.
Following are the states where the Labour Welfare Fund s Applicable.
- Andhra Pradesh
- Chattishgarh
- Goa
- Gujrat
- Haryana
- Karnataka
- Kerla
- Madhya Pradesh
- Maharastra
- Delhi
- Punjab
- West Bengal
- Tamil Nadu
Following are the states that are not covered under this Act.
- Asam
- Bihar
- Himachal Pradesh
- J&K
- Jharkhand
- Meghalaya
- Orissa
- Pondichery
- Rajasthan
- Sikkim
- Tripura
- Chandigarh
- Uttarakhand
- Uttar Pradesh
Saturday, January 23, 2010
situ left Bam
कल सितु बंगलोर चला गया नौकरी के तलाश मे ... भगवन उसे कामयाबी दे और वो आसमान की बुलंदियों को छुए। मेरे सुभकामनायें हमेशा उसके इस पथ पे फुल सजाते रहे बस यही दुआ है। कल एक और यादगार दिन था जब की कुछ बड़ी परिवर्तन मुझे हिला के रख दिया। वैसे तो आम बात है मगर सितु का घर से जाना, मेरे बाबा के लिए एक सदमे से कम नहीं था। सबको लगा के ये मामूली बात है के बेटा बड़ा हो गया और अपने भविष्य धुंडने के लिए बहार गया पर बाबा अकेले हो गए हैं अब और कल बच्चो की तरह सितु को याद करो रहे थे, और करे भी क्यूँ ना। हम दोनों भाइयों के जाने के बाद वो अकेले सब काम संभाल लेता था और बाबा के सबसे करीब भी था, है, और रहेगा भी। पर हाँ कुछ भी हो कल एक बात पता चल गया की बाबा अन्दर से कितने नरम है॥ जैसे पेड़ से कोई टहनी टूट टी है तो दोनों पेड़ और टहनी दोनों को दर्द होता है वो मैंने कल महसूस किया। रिश्ते भी कितने अजीब होते हैं ...हम जिसे दर्द पहंचाते हैं उसके दर्द केलिए भी हम रोते है। वह रे भगवान् अजीब तेरे खेल और अजीब तेरे बनाये रीत ...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
इन-सा-अल्लाह सब ठीक हो जायेगा...
बहत दिनों से कुछ लिखने को कलम तरस रहा था तो आज ये पोस्ट लिख दिया. वैसे तो मे अपने हाथो से कागज़ पे लिखना पसंद करता हूँ मगर आज के internet और gprs के ज़माने मे अगर मे कागज़ पे लिखने बैठूं तो मेरे हस्ताक्श्यर तो अछे हो जायेंगे मगर इससे बहूत कुछ बर्बाद हो जाता ....जैसे की मेरा समय , मेरे कलम के स्याही और कुछ पन्ने कागज़ के और सबसे महत्वपूरण लोगों का मेरे प्रति प्यार॥ इस लिए मैंने भी कागज़ कलम छोड़ के बोर्ड चुन लिया.वैसे तो मेरे दिल मे कुछ रुकता नहीं। कोई कहता है के मुझे लोग बहूत पसंद करते हैं पर इसके जवाब मे मे जब अपने आप को लोगों के नज़रिए से देखूं तो उनका ये मनतब्य कुछ खोकला लगता है। मुझे इससे कुछ फरक तो कभी पड़ा नहीं और नाम हे पड़ेगा क्यूँ की मेरा मन यह है की अगर मे ठीक काम करो रहा हूँ तो दुनिया को जवाब दे सकता हूँ और ये मेरा अपना दर्शन शास्त्र है। मगर हाँ कुछ ऐसे घटनाएँ घटी है जो मुझे बिचलित करती है और मे मजबूरन एक अंतर्द्वंद मे जुट हूँ। ये मेरा भ्रम भी हो सकता है मगर मे किसी प्रकार के संदेह मे अपने आप को गुमराह नहीं करना चाहता। इसलिए हमेशा मे अपने आप को सवाल करता रहता हूँ के क्या मे सही करो रहा हूँ और इसका जवाब "ना" मे नहीं मिला मुझे। कभी कभी आम ज़िन्दगी के समस्याएँ मुझे बिचलित करती हैं और मुझे बार बार एक सवाल पूछती है के बेटा जीतू, मानब संसाधन अधिकारी, तू अपने आप को समझ पाया है , तू अपने रास्ते सही से चल पाया है ? तो मे थोडा परेशां हो जाता हूँ और एक शरारत भरी हंसी के साथ जवाब देता हूँ "अल्लाह मालिक" और "इन-सा-अल्लाह सब ठीक हो जायेगा और आगे बढ़ जाता हूँ. क्या सोचते होंगे लोग मेरे बारे मे ....I don't care पर मे खुस रहता हूँ. मेरे दोस्त भी कहते हैं की तू हमेशा खुस कैसे रह सकता है जबकि तेरे ज़िन्दगी मे भी हज़ार समस्याएं है तो इनका जवाब मेरी एक हलकी सी हँसी देती है। और मे हस देता हूँ इसलिए के मुझे भी नहीं पता मे इतना खुस कैसे रहता हूँ। खैर कोई बात नहीं
दुनिया मे गम और भी है ग़ालिब
मे हस के उदा दूँ ऐसे (गम) ढेर है मेरे झोली मे ....
इन-सा-अल्लाह सब ठीक हो जायेगा...
दुनिया मे गम और भी है ग़ालिब
मे हस के उदा दूँ ऐसे (गम) ढेर है मेरे झोली मे ....
इन-सा-अल्लाह सब ठीक हो जायेगा...
14th Jan 2010
Now its time for a change and the transition needs a greater focus to make life more complicated. Many things need to be changed , need to be managed and i am at a condition wherein i am loosing my concentration. And when i loose concentration it may be because of few things like either my work is not aimed towards the right direction and ultimately making me frustrated or people around me are not reacting properly. But i hope things are in shape and being as natural or somewhat in line and i am not at all frustrated now & never i would be. iI am just keeping my cool and expecting things to settle down smoothly. There could be temporary distress that is making me restless but i am sure if right efforts are put then results are there for sure.the same is happening to me as well. i am just trying to make optimum utilization of the resources. There are many things running in my mind and i am little busy in placing them at the right place. I am sure things will be normal very soon.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
“जहापनाह तुस्सि ग्रेत हो तोह्फा कबुल हो …”
This Sunday, with Nitu, i watched the film “3 Idiots” and i liked it. I have not read the book by Chetan Bhagat but the way the script is presented before the audiences was worth watching. From pranks in college to the message passed to the society was very good. in one case the film is giving a good message and trying the break the ice and make it a concrete mindset in the older generation which is imposing their dreams on the next generation and hence challenging the traditional idea on inheriting professions and regulating the younger generations. The way the message was passed on was very nice and kudos to the writer and if its Chetan Bhagat then hats off to him. The message, apart from the one mentioned above was to influence the youth to choose before they go on fighting with life. Rather than parents deciding their children’s fate the focus was made on to choosing careers of interest and pursuing excellence in every area. The picturization is too good. My good wishes are there with Mr.Chopra. Aamir being a veteran in action is unmatchable in the industry now. Many congratulations to him as well.
The bad thing about this film is in Media these days as there is a controversy going on between Mr.Chetan & Mr.Chopra. Chetan is claiming that it’s his book “five point Someone” which is in action with Aamir and the other party is denying about the same. I have not read the book but the question is that why Mr.Chetan is worried and what is the issue now. In one way if Chetan is sauig that he has nothing to say against the producers then why panicky and if you are bothered then sue the other party rather than making noise. How many were aware of his book before the release of the book but this is the film that has reached the general public and the message is really reaching the general public. If the idiots team has done that then why to get on to war with them? just give them a standing gesture, that’s it. and yes if you think they have done something Wrong with you then go the courts and sui them. its simple. I hope i am more simple & clear in getting you my message.
And the worst thing that happened was yesterday when 2 children were found dead in school toilets. The schol authorities said that last year one of the two deceased child was failed in his examnination and was running under pressure where the second too was a similar case. This is a bigger concern where the films and any other element is affecting adversely on the society. My humble request to the sosiety to take up all the positive things and keep away the nasty things. In another news 5 medical students were found guilty in ragging junior students in the way “जहापनाह तुस्सि ग्रेत हो तोह्फा कबुल हो …” and were penalized. A committee has been made to review the film and to suggest steps to remove certain scenes but it’s too late as we have already lost two children.
The film is good and we should take ample good things in it & not the bad ones.
The bad thing about this film is in Media these days as there is a controversy going on between Mr.Chetan & Mr.Chopra. Chetan is claiming that it’s his book “five point Someone” which is in action with Aamir and the other party is denying about the same. I have not read the book but the question is that why Mr.Chetan is worried and what is the issue now. In one way if Chetan is sauig that he has nothing to say against the producers then why panicky and if you are bothered then sue the other party rather than making noise. How many were aware of his book before the release of the book but this is the film that has reached the general public and the message is really reaching the general public. If the idiots team has done that then why to get on to war with them? just give them a standing gesture, that’s it. and yes if you think they have done something Wrong with you then go the courts and sui them. its simple. I hope i am more simple & clear in getting you my message.
And the worst thing that happened was yesterday when 2 children were found dead in school toilets. The schol authorities said that last year one of the two deceased child was failed in his examnination and was running under pressure where the second too was a similar case. This is a bigger concern where the films and any other element is affecting adversely on the society. My humble request to the sosiety to take up all the positive things and keep away the nasty things. In another news 5 medical students were found guilty in ragging junior students in the way “जहापनाह तुस्सि ग्रेत हो तोह्फा कबुल हो …” and were penalized. A committee has been made to review the film and to suggest steps to remove certain scenes but it’s too late as we have already lost two children.
The film is good and we should take ample good things in it & not the bad ones.
Monday, January 04, 2010

Vande Shinharudha Devi khadga kharpara dharini
Durgati nashinee durga adyashakti sanatani
Sharanagata deenarta paritrana parayane
Sarv syarti hare devi narayani namostute
Maa ke paavan charano main mera sat sat pranam…
This was a gift for me and i had the opportunity to visit the most sacred place on earth “Vaishno Devi”. Placed on the Trikuta Hill the goddess mother is blessing us and it was a much awaited call for me to visit her and I am obliged.
It was a sudden thought in my mind to visit the Goddess mother and eventually she called me. It happened many a times that visits to her place was planned but at the end cancelled for me. But this time I was lucky to get a chance to visit the shrine. As usual we were the same company of 3 ( Me, Tapan & Pramod Sir) but this time Nagendra added to it to make a batch of 4 for the visit. We tried booking train tickets but due to 3 days leave and huge rush we did not get the tickets. We tried booking Tatkal tickets too but were not able to do it. Finally we decided to go by bus and that to Roadways. And once we decided to go for it we never set back. Hence it was 24th Dec evening all 4 of us started our journey from our office only. We hired a cab to reach ISBT,Kashmiri Gate. We reached Kashmiri Gate at around 8.30 in the evening. Being the peak in winter the temperature went down to below 10 degree and in the deem mercury street light Delhi was looking great. Wishing one another Merry Christmas we left office and reached ISBT but looking at the chaos in the Bus adda we were disheartened to see the long queues for tickets. There were no bus and the public was waiting for more than 5 hours for ticket with no result. After waiting for around and 1.5 hrs we decided to go via Ludhiana and boarded a Haryana roadways bus. We were about to get tickets I got a call from Pramod Sir asking us to get down as he got a direct bus to Katra. We suddenly got down from that bus and boarded the direct bus to katra. This is how we used the experience of Pramod sir and thanked him. After the bus started towards the destination at around 11.30 pm in the night, we had the heavy alu ka paranthas with aachar and tried to sleep. At around one o clock in the night the bus halted at some place n we had coffee. The bus den dwelled on to the hills and we were trying hard to get ourselves some sleep but the Haryana Roadways bus bound by his nature was preventing us to rest. There were nasty jokes and fun among 4 of us wherein we got few companies as well during the travel. Finally around 11 am we reached Katra, the place from where we had to start the 12 km walk upwards to rich the holy shrine. Being the busiest season of the year we found little difficulty in getting a hotel but finally we managed. We did a brave job & took bath in the cold water on the hillside hotel and started towards the shrine. It was around one in the afternoon hence we had food and reached the footsteps. there was a long queue for security check up and then we started climbing the hill. There was a shops on both sides of the road and everything was made available but on paying cost for it. With Tapan & nagender being younger people than we two had started with ret pace but sooner after climbing 2 to 3 kilometers Tapan found to be the most tired man and was lagging behind us. There we found the Rabbit & turtle story proving worth and the whole 12 kn climbing Tapan was the most sufferer. He had vomiting too and few related complications but we were determined to get him to the top. So sometime it was Limca to sometime its Juice to the healing tablets were at his service to get him timely relief. The time we reached the shrine gates Tapan was fine and was dwelling with enthusiasm to get Darshan. We reached the Gates of the holy shrine at around 11.30 pm in the night but to our surprise a kilometer long three line queues of people were already waiting for the same purpose. We then stood in the queue to get darshan and our turn came at around 12.20 in the night and we were lined up for darshan and it was like a sacred time when we got a glimpse of the holy Mother goddess and enriched our lives with joy and her blessings. This was my first visit to the shrine and was a memorable one. Then we had food and returned back in the night itself. We reached our hotel back in the morning and started towards the bus adda to catch bus back to Delhi. Again a Haryana Roadways helped us in getting back to Delhi. Our motto to get darshan and get blessings from the mother goddess was fruitful. We prayed to the mother to bless us and may our wishes come true. The year 2009 has brought us many good times & bad timess but we were there to thank the mother goddes for all good times and to keep us safe guarded from all evil things and we all expect the new year 2010 will bring us good time and best fortune to fulfill all our dreams.
There were few instances like bus breakdown and couple of more occasions which gave us ample time to spend together and relax. I know this could be a much better post. So please get me your ideas to make it better..
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