Yesterday was a big day for Miyaon as he got his first assaignment, his first job in life as a "Site Engineer" in Electrical manufacturing company. He was in one way happy but on the other side he was not happy as the location offered to him was out of Delhi. Today he was asked to report to office in Gurgaon. But on the Day first he was asked to go to "Kurkshetra" and he was little disappointed as he is new to Delhi & the whole outer world. He has never lived in a hostel or outside without family members. This is his first time he came out to Delhi for a job. But here too I was here for him. Now when he is asked to go to a distant place away from me he is much worried and i am sure is in a shocking condition. He was not willing to go there but I pressed him and made him understand the condition and then he was in a mood to go there. But I am too not happy now as I will be missing him and his best company here in my accomodation.
अभी भी मेरा मन नहीं मन रहा है । कहाँ जाएगा कहाँ रहेगा ये सब सोच सोच के मेरा दिल बैठा जा रहा है । हे भगवन उसे हिम्मत और सही मार्गदर्शन दें। बच्चा है वो मेरा। हमेशा वो किसी भी परेशानी से नहीं गुजरा अब भी उसे ऐसे ही रखना सारे दुःख से दूर। अये मेरे भगवन उसपे सदा आशीष बनाये रखना । उसे सफलता और सद्बुध्ही दे। मेरे जीवन मे अगर मैंने कोई भी अछा कम और पुण्य किया हो तो उसका फल उसे मिले।
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